Projecting Yourself onto the Candidate

White-House-logo-11As we continue with these very important primaries, I wish to show you the biggest similarity between President Barack Obama and Presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump.  In 2008, then Senator Barack Obama, took the advice of David Axelrod that it would be an easy year for Obama to win the Presidency because George W. Bush wouldn’t be running, but Bush’s policies would be on the ballot, so Barack Obama with no definitively positive record in the Illinois State Senate nor in the United States Senate ran on a message of “hope and change” allowing you to project on him whatever you wished him to be.  Donald J. Trump has not strayed from this formula in fact he has embraced it.  Trump has recently stated that he could have beat President Obama in 2012, but he didn’t run.  Ask yourself why he didn’t run.  If he could win and he is truly a conservative, then he would have tried to “Make America Great Again” in 2012, and would not have waited until 2016 to attempt to garner your vote.  My belief is Trump couldn’t run on the slogan “winning” and “Make America Great Again” if he lost to President Obama in 2012.
We all are disgusted with the factions that have been built up in Washington DC, so we project on our candidates that they will take down the DC factions.  The truth for those on the left who supported Obama; nothing changed for them and no hope was realized.  For those of you supporting Trump, the same is going to occur.  We understand your frustration, but we fear your solution in Trump.  Trump is self-centered and has picked the best year in which he has a chance to win, and he is not doing it for you, but he is doing it for him.  That’s what Obama did; let’s not lose our country to this type of misguided thinking again.  Please ask yourself if you have any proof that Trump is going to do what you want; meaning has he done anything you want in the past.  Did he make his money honestly like you did, or did he use the system to make his money?
If you truly want to make America great again, we the people must make ourselves great again through personal responsibility and less reliance on the government.  I hope that you join me in actually doing those things.  If you are looking for a King, don’t look to your politicians, rather, look to your Lord he’s all the King you will ever need.
Posted in Politics, Uncategorized

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